Friday, October 21, 2011

Eastfield College -Mesquite, TX

Located off of Interstate 30 and Motley Drive in Mesquite, TX, Eastfield College has a blacktop paved 1-mile trail.  The trail contains a high number of curves and bends, which is a bit unusual and will definitely add a little variety to your running routine.  The trail also contains two major stretches of straight path, both of which are flat (i.e. zero change in elevation).  The longer of the two is approximately 130 yards in length, while the shorter stretch is approximately 80 yards in length.   
Directly across the parking lot, this sign is the point where most people begin their run/walk at Eastfield College. 
You will immedately encounter a superabundance of twists, bends, and curves.

More curves.

And more curves.

The 80-yard stretch.

Bravo for the lightposts!

The greatest shift in elevation is shown here, which is no more than a 10-degree change.

Here we are at the L O N G stretch, approximately 130 yards.

Almost done!

View of the long stretch from other end.

Once you complete the long stretch, it's back to the curvey trail.  (Notice the tennis courts on the right.)

Here is a cute, little water fountain if you need water.  It is located at the corner of the tennis courts.

Just a few more curves before returning to the starting point.

Overall, the trail at Eastfield College is a great place to run.  It provides adequate lighting at night, although there are a few spots where the lighting could be improved.  You will be sharing the trail with a diverse group of people: very young to very old; very athletic to very non-athletic; very skinny to very fat; blacks, whites, hispanics, and occasionally Asians.  Indeed, of the many locations I run, Eastfield College has the most diverse population of trail users. 


  1. I’m new to running, trying to get into it and so tired of treadmills. This looks like a great location to run and a little more inviting than the previously mentioned trail sounded. Can’t wait to try it out and hope to get more ideas for running places. If you have any locations near the Frisco or Lewisville areas I would love to know.

  2. If you're running in Mesquite, then you're not too far from me and one of the best parks I've ever been to. Harry Myers Park is a beautiful park near old downtown Rockwall and it's great for many reasons. I actually frequent the park because it has one of, if not the best, disc golf courses in DFW. The concrete trails and dirt trails wind through some very interesting terrain. Apparently, the park is rated the best cross country course in North Dallas, as well. Did I say it was beautiful? Every time I'm there I see newlyweds, couples, and families taking pictures. Check it out!
